Aspire Higher Tuition

Social Science Personal Tuition & Mentoring for University Students











Transition from A-Level to University

So you get to university and you are thrust into the world of massive reading lists which often suggest reading multiple books for every lecture. Making the transition from A-Level to University from an academic point of view is often a difficult process, even for students with good grades at A-Level. For example, I can vividly remember the first mark I received for an undergraduate Geography essay a few weeks into the semester, and it wasn’t good, probably a 2:2! To me this felt like an enormous hill to climb, and I wondered why I couldn’t translate my A-Level A grades into a decent university mark. Luckily I had a seminar tutor who explained the differences between an A-Level essay and a university level essay.

At Aspire Higher Tuition, I can tutor you to make the academic transition from A-Level to university level much smoother. In particular, this involves the world of referencing, essay techniques and how to use evidence in an academic argument.

















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