Aspire Higher Tuition

Social Science Personal Tuition & Mentoring for University Students











Understanding Marks & Feedback

Getting your marks back and looking at feedback on essays or other academic pieces of work can often be a nervous time. You may get grades you were not expecting, or feedback you are not sure about. Your university tutor or lecturer will often have put considerable time into writing your feedback, so it is important to take on board any constructive criticism offered. At Aspire Higher Tuition, I work with students to understand their marks and feedback and act upon any problems identified.

University marking schemes in the Social Sciences are broadly based on a well-known learning taxonomy. At Aspire Higher Tuition, I work with students to examine this taxonomy in order to know what is expected, and also have exercises which can place the student in the role of examiner to make the marking process more transparent.

Sometimes you may feel that the mark given is so out of line with what you expected that you may doubt that you have been given a fair mark. Aspire Higher Tuition can advise on where to go from there, including an advocacy service.



















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