Aspire Higher Tuition

Social Science Personal Tuition & Mentoring for University Students










Essay Techniques

Essay writing at university level in the Social Sciences can be a daunting affair. Essays for different modules or courses also often come at once. Learning how to write effectively and use your time well are key skills you will need to succeed in your studies. Your tutors will be examining your essays based on a number of criteria, and learning how to score highly in each criteria is vital to doing well at university. Doing badly in some criteria will cost you more in terms of marks than others - in particular, 'relevance'.

There are some hints and tips that experience brings when writing essays, which can help with adding the content your lecturers are looking for. But you may only realise these when you are a considerable way through your university course. Aspire Higher Tuition can give you hints and tips based on experience and a former examiner's perspective.
















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