Aspire Higher Tuition

Social Science Personal Tuition & Mentoring for University Students






About Aspire Higher Tuition








During my time teaching undergraduate Sociology and completing a two-year Postgraduate Certificate of Higher Education Practice (PGCHEP) teaching qualification, I identified that there was a student need for further personal tuition at university level than could often be provided within universities themselves, due to time constraints. Following the theory of 'situated learning' (Lave and Wenger, 1991), it became apparent that students needed more of an 'apprenticeship' and further tuition in the taken-for-grantedness of higher education practices - including understanding how they had been graded, essay techniques and the skills of academic argument. Lave and Wenger propose a theory of situated learning where: “the mastery of knowledge and skill requires newcomers to move toward full participation in the sociocultural practices of a community” (Lave and Wenger, 1991: 29). In essence, this concerns the process by which newcomers or ‘apprentices’ engage with and become a part of a community of practice which consists of other apprentices, ‘young masters’ and masters. They state that by transparency, the inner workings of the process, should be open to the learner’s inspection. Aspire Higher Tuition offers personal tuition and mentoring for students of the Social Sciences and aims to open up the inner workings of the process.

If you considered tuition at A-Level or GCSE, why not at university level?

It is common practice to consider additional tuition at the stageof A-Levels or GCSEs, however, it is quite unusual to undertake private tuition at university level. This is for many reasons, including a lack of freelance tutors who have previously taught at university level and know the system well, as most of these stay inside ‘academe’. In addition, some students may feel that university study is much like A-Level study, and the move over should be relatively easy. However, students often find the transition difficult, and they don’t ‘get’ what is expected of them by their tutors and lecturers until late on in their degrees, leading to poor grades and being demoralised about study. In addition, doing a degree is becoming increasingly expensive, and the massive competition in the jobs market means that those with a 2:2 or below face a difficult job hunt (Vasagar, 2010). Aspiring to achieve your own personal best is therefore essential, and personal tuition can help in filling in gaps and providing structure.

Aspire Higher Tuition seeks to support and tutor Social Science university students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels through offering a set of comprehensive services which reflect both best practice and experience gained in Higher Education.


Essay Writing at University Level

Essay writing at university level in the Social Sciences can be a daunting affair. Essays for different modules or courses also often come at once. Learning how to write effectively and use your time well are key skills you will need to succeed in your studies. Your tutors will be examining your essays based on a number of criteria, and learning how to score highly in each criteria is vital to doing well at university. Doing badly in some criteria will cost you more in terms of marks than others - in particular, 'relevance'.

Preparing for Exams

Exam time at university can be very stressful, especially as exams are often not well spaced and cover very different topics. University exams in the Social Sciences require less basic absorption of facts than A-Level, and more an ability to argue your case with a variety of evidence and knowledge. This leads to different revision strategies and makes certain exercises useful. At Aspire Higher Tuition, I can recommend certain approaches which should help make exams less daunting.

Understanding Marks & Feedback

Getting your marks back and looking at feedback on essays or other academic pieces of work can often be a nervous time. You may get grades you were not expecting, or feedback you are not sure about. Your university tutor or lecturer will often have put considerable time into writing your feedback, so it is important to take on board any constructive criticism offered. At Aspire Higher Tuition, I work with students to understand their marks and feedback and act upon any problems identified.

Study Skills: Get It Right From the Start

The area of 'study skills' is a broad topic within academic life, and can include some of the issues that I have unbundled on this website, such as exam preparation and essay techniques. However, there are a range of other study skills that are important, such as how to do your course reading effectively, how to take notes from lectures, undertake referencing and improve your memory for exams. Aspire Higher Tuition can advise you on all these issues. Knowing best practice in study skills from the start can make your academic life as a student much easier.

Transition from A-Level to University

So you get to university and you are thrust into the world of massive reading lists which often suggest reading multiple books for every lecture. Making the transition from A-Level to University from an academic point of view is often a difficult process, even for students with good grades at A-Level. There are ways to cope with this and things you should know.

Subject Specialities

Aspire Higher Tuition specialises in the Social Sciences for subject-specific tuition. This includes Human Geography and Sociology at undergraduate to postgraduate levels. Other subject areas may be considered including certain areas of Media Studies, Cultural Studies and Communication Studies, and Aspire Higher Tuition also has contacts with other associate tutors in other disciplines. Please contact us for more details.


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